As stated in the release notes for the last version
I ran into the problem described by the note:
Updated When you click Log Browser in the vSphere Web Client, an Unauthorized Access error appears
When you click the Log Browser link in the vSphere Web Client, an error message appears: Exception: https://<system-address>:12443/vmwb/logbrowser: Unauthorized access.This error occurs after you replace the default vCenter Single Sign On server's SSL certificate, either directly or by regenerating the certificate in the vCenter Server Appliance.
I tried following the kb 2037927 but I'm just not able to make it work. I also think to have seen almost every article out there but I'm still not able to find the solution.
Following the official solution, this is what happens to me.
First error is when trying to do this:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in rui.crt -inkey rui.key -certfile carootcert.cer -name "rui" -passout pass:testpassword -out rui.pfx
kb doesn't say where rui.crt is located, no "locate" command but I managed to find it any way under /etc/vmware-vpx/ssl. After running the command, I receive this error: