Attempted a vSphere 5.1U2a -> 5.5U2 upgrade this weekend; it failed for reasons we're still determining. We rolled back to 5.1 (DB backups, Snapshots, etc.) and all of our Profile-Driven Storage VM Storage Profiles and User-Defined storage profiles are gone. This makes vCD (5.5.2) very unhappy and things like starting a VM reports no disk space in its associated Storage Policies (and rightfully so). The vCenter server, unfortunately, is physical and did not have snapshots, therefore vSphere 5.5 was fully uninstalled, directories in Program Files/ProgramData renamed .old and 5.1U2a reinstalled re-using the recovered vcenter database.
The question is, what do I do now?
I'm hoping I can re-create my User-defined policies and VM profiles, map things as best as possible, referencing the info still in vCD and hope I've mapped things appropriately, and expect that vCD will acknowledge this, identify the names are the same (by its moref info its pulled from vCenter or other?) to Make Things Right again, or am I in a world of F.U.D. and potential storage vMotions? We also have the option of File-Level Recovery on our vCenter server, to replace whatever is necessary, be it the Profile-Driven Storage directories or other.
Any advice would be appreciated. Wasn't sure whether to post this in vSphere or vCD forum, however, as it was result from a failed vSphere upgrade, I'm hoping this is the right spot.
tl;dr - vSphere upgrade to 5.5 failed, back to 5.1, storage profiles gone, vCD unhappy. Please help.