I have 4 hosts in my vCenter environment and just upgraded one of the hosts from a Dell custom 5.5 U1 Build 1746018 to 5.5 U2 Build 2068190. The main reason for this upgrade was to clear up issues of not seeing datastores after installing a HBA card in this host. The upgrade was successful and I can log into this host directly and see all of the datastores now. However, this host was stuck at disconnecting in vCenter, (which is 5.5.0 Build 2183111 appliance), and would never reconnect. The error message that I receive when trying to connect was:
datastore conflicts with an existing datastore in the datacenter that has the same url
I followed this KB VMware KB: Upgrading to VMware vCenter Server 5.1 or 5.5 fails with error: Datastore '<datastore>' con… which pertains to upgrading vCenter and not the host, but looked similiar.
I checked the offending datastores that were in the error above and all have the same vml ID as a good host. I removed this host from vCenter and tried to re-add it and still received the above error. The datastores that are involved in the error are all of the datastores that I could not see before the upgrade that are attached to the newly installed HBA. This is an LSI 3008 12Gb SAS adapter. Any suggestions? I am waiting on VMware tech support to call back on this one currently.