I created a VM with default settings and exported OVF template out of it and deployed new VM with this template. Every thing works fine.
But if I change some of the CPU and other options in my VM and create OVF template.. creation works fine but this template refuses to deploy properly.
These are the change I did in VM settings, not sure which change is causing the issue.
cores per socket :4 ,
cpu reservation : 2.4GHz*4,
HT: None,
CPU/MMU virtualization : Hardware CPU and MMU,
Low Latency: High,
SMBIOS.reflectHost = TRUE
I found below lines in OVF file generated with above change , these could be causing the issue
<Info>CPU compatibility constraints</Info>
<vmw:Level vmw:level="-2147483647"/>
<vmw:Level vmw:level="-2147483647" vmw:vendor="amd"/>
<vmw:CoresPerSocket ovf:required="false">4</vmw:CoresPerSocket>
Please help me to understand what could have went wrong!! (If I delete these lines in ovf file then deployment works fine)