I'm trying to insert second image profile to Auto Deploy and assing it to only 1 host, that I can test it before it goes to production. Image profile is configured correctly I think, because after export it contains really new version of VIBs.
So my steps:
1. Export Image profile from image builder
2. add-esxsoftwaredepot
3. new-deployrule
4. add-deployrule -at 0
Name: PowerCLI D:\> Get-DeployRuleSet
Name : TiborImage
PatternList : {mac=00:25:b5:00:00:03}
ItemList : {TiborImage, LAB-ESX-STG1-01-01, Tenant001}
Name : BaseImage
PatternList : {oemstring=$SPT:LAB-ESX-STG1-01-01}
ItemList : {ESXi-5.1.0-20131003001-no-tools-n1k-v152-VAAI, LAB-ESX-STG1-01-01, Tenant001}
So as you can see MAC address should match first deploy rule, but it match second. I though that deploy rule set is - first match, first win. And what is totally strange is that host boots even I delete all Deploy Rule Sets.
Can somebody please help me?