I do not want to configure network details such as ip, DNS & gateway for each VM I create.
So, I am trying to use vApp IP Pool.
I have followed the document but I coant get it to work.
When I start my vm I do not see any ipaddress in summary page of the vm.
ifconfig also returns only 1 network interface with ip .
This is what I have.
I have a DNS server (which also acts as gateway) running with statis ipaddress This running outside the virtual environment.
I have an esxi host running with a static ipaddress ( This is able to connect to DNS server, I tested the management network.
I have a datacenter with 1 standard switch.
There is only 1 pNIC.
I have VMkernel port and a VirualPort both connected to this pNIC. ( I know it is not a good practice, but this my test environment and I am still trying to find may way in vSphere).
I have a network profile that has ippool enabled and I have made sure that IPPoolrange does not have gateway ipaddress.
I have associated this n/w profile with eh VirtualPort.
I am using this virtual port in the virtual machine and I have also enabled vApp for this vm.
After enabling vapp I have Authoring set to "OVF Environment" and IPAllocation set to :Transient IP Pool
When I restart the vm it still does not get an ip.
It get the hostname in the summary screen because that I supplied manually during installation of Redhat 6
I tried using DHCP and also DHCP (Address Only) during OS installation, but could not get it to work with both.
I am attaching snapshot of all the necessary vcenter objects.
Can anyone help?