I'm trying to integrate XD5 with vCenter/vSphere 5.0, which I've done before without too much trouble.
vCenter is using a self-signed cert, and I'm trying to load this onto the XD controllers so we have a fully trusted https communication channel, but a few things are not working:
1) When going to https://vcenterserver.domain.local.... you are initially prompted with a cert error in IE. But if you click on "Continue" - the page goes nowhere, it is not redirecting from there - it stops in it's tracks
2) There is no button to view this certificate within IE at this link
3) There is no button to therefore load this cert onto this server
I've tried launching IE as a Domain Administrator to ensure this is not a rights issue, and even added this site to Trusted Sites - no effect.
Strangely (or maybe not so much!) is that this functionality seems to work in Firefox. However doing still leaves IE (and also the XD controller) in a state of untrust.
If I try to load the actual cert itself into the stores (right clicking on the cert file, install...) I don't see the physical stores listed "Trusted/Local Computer". I only see Registry. This appears to be an Administrative right issue here but we are logged in as a Domain Admin.
Anyone have any ideas?