I just recently upgrade Vcenter to 5.5 from 5.1. I have 3 hosts on 5.1 and so I decided to start upgrading the hosts 1 by 1. I started with host 1 when I did the upgrade via Vcenter the host never came back up. I tried connecting back to the host but couldn't connect. I could ping it and all network settings were correct. I contacted VMware support and we tried many things. One thing I noticed is that it's in lock down mode and its greyed out so I can't change it. I tried changing via command shell and its still greyed out. I reloaded the host and I was able to connect to it but lock down was still greyed out. Vcenter connected and added back to cluster so I left it over night and the next morning I came back to the host with a purple error screen and I could no longer ping it, rebooted, still couldn't ping it. Lock down greyed out. I reloaded it 1 more time and I once again could connect to it with Vsphere and Vcenter. I was working on it all afternoon in Vsphere so I added it back to Vcenter and then after awhile the host disconnected and I no longer could connect again. Every time I reload the host it's always in lock down mode and every time I add it to the cluster it gets disconnected forever. I'm upgrading the host with esxi 5.5 update 1. My other hosts are working fine.