I am collecting information of esx systems using vSphere API. By using this API, I am able to collect information of esx hosts by giving IP.
ServiceInstance si =newServiceInstance(new URL(url), user, pass,true);
System.out.println("host :"+host+"---"+si.getAboutInfo().getFullName());
System.out.println(" Version is .. "+si.getAboutInfo().version);
System.out.println(" os type is .. "+si.getAboutInfo().osType);
System.out.println("Vendor is .. "+ si.getAboutInfo().vendor);
System.out.println("name is"+ si.getAboutInfo().name);
ManagedEntity[] managedEntities =newInventoryNavigator(
ManagedEntity[] hostmanagedEntities =newInventoryNavigator(
for(ManagedEntity hostmanagedEntity : hostmanagedEntities){
HostSystem hostsys =(HostSystem) hostmanagedEntity;
StringESXhostname= hostsys.getName();
HostListSummary hls = hostsys.getSummary();
HostHardwareSummary hosthwi = hls.getHardware();
HostListSummaryQuickStats hqs = hls.getQuickStats();
Datastore[] HDS = hostsys.getDatastores();
StringBuilder DS =newStringBuilder();
for(int i=0;i <HDS.length;i++){
DatastoreSummary dsm =HDS[i].getSummary();
int MEM=hqs.overallMemoryUsage;
int UPT=hqs.getUptime();
Integer CPU=hqs.getOverallCpuUsage();
String esxkey ="ESXRealInfo";
String esxvalue ="ESXhostname-"+ESXhostname
+";CPU Usage-"+ CPU +";MEM Usage-"
+ MEM +";UPTIME-"+ UPT+"; Datastores -"+DS;
catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace();}
By using this code and manipulating managedentities object I can extract information of each host and vm working on each host.
Now instead of collecting information from different hosts, I want to collect information from vcenter server. vCenter server also contains all details about hosts and their VMs.
I want to get this information by using vCenter server instead of visiting each host. Is it possible to get this information? how?