I setup quick vSphere lab for a test that I cannot run on production cluster. The lab contains 2 hosts.
I installed vCenter 5.5 on Server 2008 VM. I did installation of all modules including SSO. Sure I don't care about SSO... Couple of days ago I logged in to vCenter. But today cannot.
Fortunately, I found that vCenter is open so I added another user (named it root) to local Administrators group on vCenter Windows machine and added this user to vCenter (see attach).
Also, to be safe I changed password of Administrator (in Windows). So I have my vCenter opened.
Now, I am trying to login second time to VCenter and login fail. Is it because of the second login? Logically, if vSphere doesn't like second login the message should be clear.But I have just failure.
Can I just close vCenter and login?
Now I have default Administrator user and root with passwords that I know for sure.