I would like to use a Host profile to configure a non-default Path Selection Policy (PSP) of Round Robin (RR) for specific luns for the hosts in some of our clusters.
Most of our clusters have storage from more than one array vendor. We have new storage a vendor where the recommended PSP is Round Robin but the default is Fixed. So I need to selectively apply this non default policy to specific luns so we better balance load across the fabric and back end ports on the array.
I have started to configure this with the SATP for my array with the luns that I want to change the policy on. Thats the pic labled SATPConfig.
I am trying to Configure the RoundRobinPSP and there are 2 parameters required, Device Name and whether to use Active Unoptimized Paths. (RoundRobinPSPConfig picture)
For the device name I was wondering if I could use wildcards like 600* or 60a* to specify all luns from a specific vendor.
True or False?
Is * the wildcard character for host profiles?
Does anyone enable (check the box) to use "Active Unoptimized Paths" but its not clear that is considered Unoptimized and I know this varies between arrays. I am checking with my vendor, just seeking the Wisdom of the Crowds.... so I can get further in my testing. Thanks