Hi All,
I have another admin who is trying to modify permissions of a user on a specific datacenter who is getting the following error:
Permission To Perform this operation was denied
You do not hold privilage "Permissions > Modify permisssions" on datacenter " Test"
Error Stack:
Call "AuthorizationManager.SetEntityPermissions" for object "AuthorizationManager" on vCenter Server "vCenter Server FQDN" failed.
My other administrator we will call Suzy has the admin role for the datacenter she admins. She is trying to change the role of a user from "Virtual Machine User" to "Virtual Machine Power user" and getting the above error.
I'm also an admin and I was able to make the change... I'm set as admin in the admin group on the vCenter server vs Suzy is set as admin via a role in vCenter. AFAIK, this should have no ill affect.
I'm stumped, and ideas, suggestions?
vCenter Server 5.0.0, 623373