So, I know "how" to resolve this issue, but I would like to know if there is an alternative.
for the longest time I was running Vcneter appliance with all my hosts connected via IP address. This works great, then there is no DNS issue. But things here started to get more complex and I started to get more VM servers so Names were necessary.
I connected a few hosts, TBVM01 , TBVM02 etc. I added IP addresses to the Vcenter's hosts file, so the Names resolve to the IP address. GREAT! they connect!
the problem is, if I connect to a server I get the "Unable to connect to the MKS: Failed to connect to server"
the fix! Add the same info the hosts file on my PC. example: TBVM01
this works fine, but then when I use the web client, I also get the same error, and I don't want to go around and edit the hosts file each time.
is there anything that I can add to the Vcenter appliance so it just knows? I can add it to my DNS server, but with VPN's and non shared DNS servers, its a pain also.