In our company, we use VMware ESX 3.5 with VMware Infraestructure Client 2.5 and we are experiencingperformance problems with a file server which is actually a virtual machine (Users complain about slow access to the data stored in the file server, but it doesn't happen everytime).
Recently, we increased the allocated memory rising it from 1GB to 3GB. Now, I'm studing the performance of the virtual machine for this week (see the chart).
I would like to know some concepts, because I don't know why the memory active doesn't match with the data from the top or htop commands in the virtual machine.
With top command I see the used memory is 3000MB (it represents the total memory)
With htop the used memory is lower, over 600MB
The memory active represented in the vCenter chart performance for the same virtual machine, represents 1,75GB of used memory, althouh the Granteed memory is 3000MB.
Should I increased the allocated memory to the VM in this situation? Is it OK? What else can I check?