I have downloaded VDDK Linux 64 bit-from VMWare community
and installed it . I compiled sample vixDiskLibSample programme and running it
to get the VM file details as following :
esxi_rep.exe -info -host <ip> -user root
-password <password> "[datastore1] TESTVM/TESTVM.vmdk"
In DoInfo(), after calling the VixDiskLib_Open function by
the constructor getting the segmentation fault.
dmesg is :
sanv-rep[6211]: segfault at 0 ip 000000319152148f sp
00007fff3845e638 error 4 in libc-2.12.so[3191400000+175000]
BUT surprisingly its working fine on my Windows 7 deskop (this is with windows sample)where vCenter is installed.If i deploy it on other windows machine it is failing again at VixDsikLib_Open with SSLcertificate issues. what is the root cause of this issue.
Can you please help me to resolve this issue.