I am new to the environment and would very much appreciate your help with the issue we're facing.
We are collecting certain data from vCOps 5.7. as per instructions in HttpPostAdapter OpenAPIServlet (getMetricDAtaAndDT, lookupResource, getRelationships).
In one environment the WS is performed with no issues, whereas in another environment the WS request is not successful and we receive the following response: Request failure! 401 Unauthorized
In both cases the user used to perform the requests is administrator. In both cases the user used for WS can log into vCOps vSphere UI and view the monitored environment data.
In the first environment, where WS requests are successful, the user logs in with username (Admin) and password. In the scond environment the user logs into UI by entering the username in this form: Administrator@vsphere.local.
I realise this is not much to start with, but any pointers or insight on what might be causing the "Unauthorized" issue or how exactly to configure a user to be permitted to perform WS requests successful would be greatly appreciated.