Hello members,
Facing quite strange issue where one of the host in my home lab keeps disconnecting randomly. The issue is very random and not happening at specific intervals.
ESXi 5.5 build 2068190 and vCenter server 5.5 build 2183111
Once the host is disconnected right click and perform reconnect but gives error "the host ip address might not be available not the network" and doesn't reconnect.
Below has been done so far:
1) Windows firewall is disabled on vCenter server
2) vCenter Server Agent on firewall properties for outgoing UDP port 902 is ticked
3) Can connect to the host via SSH/putty
4) vCenter server managed IP address is correct in vcenter server settings
5) Restarted management agents but issue persists
6) Checked nslookup and no issues are seen for name resolution from vCenter to ESXi host
Also out of curiosity was checking UDP port 902 connectivity between host and vcenter server and could see below results:
On the host ran this command-->esxcli network ip connection list | grep 902. On vCenter server ran netstat -ano | find "902". Output of both commands is in attached txt file.
I am wondering even when host and vCenter are connected and not having any issues at the moment why there is no IP in local address and foreign address but just instead Also note state is not ESTABLISHED but just LISTEN. Quite similar output is seen for netstat on vCenter server where output is only Any ideas why this could be happening??
Added later: As issue just resurfaced again I did telnet from vCenter server to ESXi host on port 902 and it was failing to connect. Unsure why ESXi host is losing connection on port 902 than? Also attached is an indicative image of a error I get when I try to reconnect the host.