I recently replaced the RAID card in one of our Dell hosts and now have inaccessible datastores. I am just really trying to figure out whether to leave them listed (untidy) or delete them (preferred option) but the delete option is greyed out.
My first mistake was that I didn't gracefully disconnect the datastores when I replaced the RAID cards, so when the system came back on line and connected to the datastore it was using a different deviceID, the physical drive and the data held on it survived the transition and reconnected ok and continued to work as previously. I was then left with "orphaned" datastores from the host, we use local storage on each host. Having googled it I found a number of users had been able to rename the DS and subsequently delete it but in my case there seems to be no delete option. My concern is that if I some how forcably remove the DS somehow, as it's the same physical drive as the current "working" DS, can I cause data loss?