I am having an issue logging into my vcenter server (VCSA) after adding a few VCSAs to a single SSO. All VCSAs appear properly, but an old one I removed...will..not...die. It causes the initial login to take anywhere from 2-5 minutes. It immediately shows and error across the top stating the "vcenter server in not available"
As you can see, the VCSA referenced in the error message is not even in the list of "vCenter Inventory" --> "Resources" --> "vCenter Servers":
But it is somehow in the "License" section of the same vcenter server:
I think this screwing with the other parts of my vcenter setup because stuff will hit a 120 limit and stop working. Here is a SS of just attempting to look at the System Configuration:
It essentially times out just like a few other windows. Causing vcenter to be largely unusable.
I think the main issue is that I cannot remove a stale Linked Mode VCSA from SSO. It causes hanging on login and many processes never complete. I could increase the timeout, but that's not going to fix the stale entry which is the culprit.