Looking for some understanding on all the various logging we can do with ESXi 5.5. U2. Traditionally we have just used a remote host for our logging (i.e. Syslog.global.logHost = syslogserver.domain.com:514); however, I would like to also do logging on a dedicated NFS volume (i.e. Syslog.global.logDir) for each host. Addtionally, I currently have a Persistent Scratch volume (on the same NFS volume) for each host. In the ScratchConfig, I see a folder called "Log" and within it appears to be the same, or very similar, contents as that which I would find outputting to the syslog server.
My question is two fold: Does the ScratchConfig have the same information as the Syslog information? And secondly, are there any concerns if I create my Syslog.global.logDir and use the same Log location as ScratchConfig?