Hi. We have two VMWare hosts running ESXi5.5. We are considering upgrading our licensing to Essential Plus which gives us the ability to replicate our VM's. We are looking at this as a our fallback for disaster recovery and a key piece to our BCP. We have approx 8 VM's (CRM, AX, AD, Exchange, SQL, FileServer, Web, etc) that would be replicated most likely to a co-location geographically positioned. I know VMWare offers their vCloud Air but some cost analysis indicates this could be financially prohibitive. The native VMWare replication strategy seems like a good choice with a co-location using a company like RackSpace. Does anyone have feedback on this approach? Furthermore should I consider or perhaps be better off looking at other technologies like VEEAM?
We actually had already placed the order for the VMWare Essentials Plus licensing but our vendor dropped the ball and did not get the order placed before my deadline so I am now taking a step back and just making sure I am heading in a good direction before moving ahead (again) with the VMWare replication strategy using Essential Plus.
And again, I see this as merely an insurance policy. Our building loses power for three days and I want our users to still have access to our production servers.
Thank you all in advance