So i'm working on a vSphere 5.5 system and I noticed that twice per minute there's a cycle of login/logout events and it's blowing up my VCDB database. Looking at the Events list in the VC client just shows the following entries over and over for the same user
User DOMAIN\User@vCenterIP logged in
as Java/1.7.0_25
User DOMAIN\User@vCenterIP logged out
(login time: 2/24/2015 1:54:24 PM, number of
API invocations: 5, user agent: Java/1.7.0_25)
Is there any way I can figure out what this is and stop it? I know I can always just disable the account in AD or remove login rights in the vCenter and see what breaks but if it's somehow a critical process I don't want to find out the hard way