In vCenter via web client I added a vswitch to a certain host. I added a port group to the new vswitch so that I have two port groups on each vswitch that manage certain physical adapters and renamed the old "VM Network" port groups so it shows up in the network tab in web client with a unique name that has the host name in it.
I set the VMs Network Adapter to the new port groups.
The old "VM Network" "VM Network1" and "VM Network2" still show up in the web client Network Tab, they even have machines in the old Network, although I changed it to they renamed Network. So the machine appears twice, in the new an the old Network. I can't seem to get rid of the old Network. When I try to migrate VMs from the old to the new network, the list is empty.
Besides that, when I try to clone a machine, I get a warning, that the Network Adapter of the VM uses a Network ("Name of the new Network") that cannot be accessed. It seems to me, the old Network names are still in use. Is there a chance to correct that? I fear to run into performance problems.