I'm using vCenter 5.1 with two esxi 5 hosts, both exactly the same (Evga SR-2 pc's with two Intel x5670 cpu's in each) except for disk storage. The x5670 cpu has 12 cores if HT is on. So since I have 4 of these processors that would be 48 cores. Each cpu is running at 4 GHz for a total of 16 GHz. Each host would also have 24 GB of ram so 48 GB total.
I doubt this is possible but what I'd like to do is to install just one VM like Win'7x64 and give all those resources to it...all of them (maybe leave a few cores and ram aside for the esxi hosts of course). Would that vm be running at 16 GHz? It'd be nice if we could create a cluster with a setup like this and give the "total resources available" to a single vm running on one of the esxi hosts.
I doubt this is possible because I tried this before and it wouldn't let me create a vm with that many cores or ram because it said they weren't available or something...as if to suggest I can only use the total resources of ONE esxi host.
Perhaps there's another way I could give that 16 GHz to one machine?