I am using SSL update tools to change the vCenter 5.5 SSL certificate.
Changing the SSO certificate was successful, however I am having problem with the inventory services.
Error message below.
4. Update the Inventory Service SSL Certificate
1. Update the Inventory Service Trust to Single Sign-On
2. Update the Inventory Service Trust to vCenter Server
3. Update the Inventory Service SSL Certificate
4. Rollback to the previous Inventory Service SSL Certificate
5. Return to the main menu to update other services
The chosen service is: 3
[Wed 12/03/2014 - 13:49:12.88]: The services that are restarted as a part of thi
s operation are: vCenter Inventory Service.
Enter the location to the new Inventory Service SSL chain: C:\certs\InventorySer
Enter the location to the new Inventory Service private key: C:\certs\InventoryS
Enter the Single Sign-On Administrator user (default value is: administrator@vsp
Enter the Single Sign-On Administrator password (will not be echoed):
[.] The supplied certificate chain is valid.
[Wed 12/03/2014 - 13:49:44.41]: Last operation update Inventory Service SSL cert
ificate failed :
[Wed 12/03/2014 - 13:49:44.42]: Cannot determine if Inventory Service is registe
red with Single Sign-On - errorlevel is 1