I have been carrying out a SBS migration and went to mount a USB device to the VM we had created. In the process of doing this, I managed to mount the USB stick which had the ESXi OS installed on it. Since this has happened I haven't been able to boot the VM and if it manages to get to the log in screen it will then crash on me. I have then tried un-mounting all USB's connected to the VM but now the issue is consistent no matter what I carrying out on it.
To see if I could still load the VM I have created a second VM to point at it's VMDK file. However doing this and booting from the VMDK it then doesn't show anything which I had installed but shows the server roles set up on the VM prior to the issue. I then looked to see if the VMDK file was correct and as I found there were two different VMDK files within the VM (I never made a partition on the VM). After finding this out I checked the settings to see which VMDK file the hard drive was looking at on the original VM and found it was pointing to a VMDK file ending in xxxx00000001.VMDK. When trying to point the new VM to this I got the following error message "A general system error occurred: Unrecognised handle property identifier".
My question is has anyone come across this before when using a different VM's VMDK file? Or is there a way to restore the old VM so that we can log into it again?