Hello All,
I have a vCenter 5.5 running number of ESX 5.5 and 5.1, we have a requirement to remove the domain that the vCenter is member of to new Active Directory Domain
Old vCenter FQDN
- venter.domain1.domain.local
New vCenter FQDN
- vcenter.domian.local
the second task is to apply the new SSL certificate
I'm currently trying to get a working to the achieve the above process
I did the following “this is all in the test environment"
1- Make record of the user roles
2- Change the vcenter domain Remove from the old domain - reboot - add to the new domain
3- Satrt up the server Vcenter
4- login to the vClient
5- go to the vcenter Advance setting the change the following
- virtualCenter.FQDN = vcenter.domian.local
- VirtualCenter.InstanceName= vcenter.domian.local
- VirtualCenter.VimWebService rui = vcenter.domian.local
I reboot the server, and vCenter service starts OK
I need to configure and change the following attribute to reflect the new domain name
- Config.vpxd.sso.admin.uri
- Config.vpxd.sso.sts.uri
- Config.vpxd.sso.groupCheck.uri
Once I change the above value to the new domain the vcenter services will not start on boot.up
The second Issue.
I need to apply a new SSL certificate
I apply the SSO new certificate and make inventory service and Vcenretr to trust using the SSL automated tool
I update the inventorying service SSL,” 3. Go to the machine with Inventory Service installed and - Update the Inventor
Service SSL certificate. “
I get the following error
[.] WARNING: Certificate's `CN=VCENTERdomain.internal .corp.internal, OU=vCenterInventoryServi
ce-VCENTER55, O=AllianceBoots, L=Chessington, ST=KT, C=GB' signature uses weak o
ne-way hash (SHA-1). In a secure environment it is recommended to use SHA2-256 o
r a stronger hash algorithm.
[.] The supplied certificate chain is valid.
[03/11/2014 - 13:02:11.30]: Last operation update Inventory Service SSL certific
ate failed :
[03/11/2014 - 13:02:11.31]: Cannot determine if Inventory Service is registered
with Single Sign-On - errorlevel is 1
Has anyone done this task before. any assistace will be very much apprecieted