after upgrading from vCenter Server 5.5 1476327 to vCenter Server 5.5 U1 1623101 (including Web Client, SSO and Inventory Service) we are no longer able to manage our infrastructure with the Web Client as no inventory is displayed. After logging on to the Web Client the following error is shown:
"Failed to verify the SSL certificate for one or more vCenter Server systems:"https://server.fqdn:443/sdk/
We have already checked KB 2050273 and found no duplicate instances of vCenter Server in SSO. Removing and re-installing vCenter Server, SSO, Inventory Service and Web Client did not help! We also checked KB 2036505 and deleted the *VcDirectory File from the Web Clients "SerenityDB" Folder. This did not help either.
What we haven't done so far is replacing vCenter Server certificates with new ones. We however don't want to this since this seems to be quite complicated and actually everything worked fine before upgrading vCenter Server to 5.5 U1. The vCenter Server is running on Windows Server 2008 R2. All components with the exception of vCenter SSL certificates and vCenter database have been installed from scratch in the beginning of this year during the transition from vCenter 5.1 to 5.5. There weren't any issues!
Any ideas what might cause this issue and what we could do to solve it?