Host is fedora 17
perl v5.14.4
PERL5LIB = /usr/lib/vmware:/usr/lib/vmware-cip:/usr/lib/vmware-installer:/usr/lib/vmware-ovftool:/usr/lib/vmware-vcli:/usr/lib/vmware-viperl:/usr/lib/vmware-vmrc:/usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps/
following a tutorial from "http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-55/index.jsp#com.vmware.perlsdk.pg.doc/viperl_intro.3.3.html"
As far as my understadning goes , it means that in file /root/perl5/lib/perl5/Data/Validate/URI.pm there should be a function called "host" or at least a $variable, but there is not such a thing because :
grep host /root/perl5/lib/perl5/Data/Validate/URI.pm
hostnames are allowed by the standards, but probably aren't wise. Conversely,
# a valid host
has anybody started one of these tutorials and ended this like me ?