Hi All,
I would like to share couple of challenges that we faced during vCenter 5.1 U1 to U2 upgrade.
With my past experience - I thought it is easiest job to upgrade the vCenter Server (but it's not)
Challenges faced: (during individual components upgrade)
After SSO upgrade - service failed to start and SSOAdmin.log shows couple of unrelated error messages. (I fed-up to search those errors in google)
Solution: JRE Version mismatch - vCenter 5.1 U2 looking for higher version of JRE which is not prompted any point of time
I did the fresh installation of vCenter 5.1 U2 and copied the JRE folder version to problematic sever. (C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\jre)
Finally upgrade is completed but new problem. Team unable to open the vCenter console from remote locations and it is working fine locally.
Install below hotfix on problematic server from where vSphere client is not working - In my case these are Windows 2003 Servers