Hi all,
I am using VC5.1, VMFS 5.54.
Currently, i have 4 datastore in my ESXI 5.1 host (2FC datastore, 1NL datastore, 1 localdisk). i would like to extent the capacity of NL datastore, so i already create a new ISCSI LUN and exported to this ESXI host.
My procedure is: Select EXSI host > Configuration > Storage > "Select NL datastore and click properties" > "Click Increase button"
But i cannot see this LUN present in NL datastore "Increase Datastore Capacity" box.
If i select another datastore, such as 1 of FC datastore, the new ISCSI LUN is present in the "Increase Datastore Capacity" box.
May i know how can extent my NL datastore?
My NL datastore is using ISCSI port, currently this NL datastore already have 2 extents (2 5TB iSCISI disk). And the total capacity is 10TB, now i would like to add one more 5TB iSCISI disk for this datastore.
Thank you