Hello, this is a brand new ESXi 5.5 U2 install with 3 hosts (HP DL380 Gen8) and one SAS Storage (HP MSA 2040). I installed ESXi on all hosts, deployed vCSA 5.5, and tried to add the hosts. The first host is added fine but the other two give an error:
Datastore <datastore> conflicts with an existing datastore in the datacenter that has the same URL (ds:///vmfs/volumes/<volume>) but is backed by different physical storage.
I searched online and tried a few things including unmounting the datastore, trying to delete the datastore in order to re-add it (I couldn't delete it), and re-installing ESXi from scratch. I also moved vCSA around and tried adding the hosts in different order. No luck, the problem remains.
I connected to each host via SSH. I run esxcfg-scsidevs -m and for all 3 hosts I got:
/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600c0ff0001dbcdc2ebb165401000000:1 -> 52d350bd-499e482f-d0da-a0d3c1048ac8
I then run ls -lrth /vmfs/devices/disks | grep -i naa and for all 3 hosts I got:
vml.0200010000600c0ff0001dbcdc2ebb1654010000004d5341203230 -> naa.600c0ff0001dbcdc2ebb165401000000
vml.0200010000600c0ff0001dbcdc2ebb1654010000004d5341203230:1 -> naa.600c0ff0001dbcdc2ebb165401000000:1
The above looks correct so I am basically stuck. Any ideas? Many thanks.