Hi everyone ,
I have a ESXi (v5.5) server managed by my VCenter Server (v5.5) ( that i manage by my VSphere Web Client )
I created a NFS share on an other server ( a Windows Server 2003 R2 ) use like file server.
From my vCenter, when i try to add a datastore that i try to put on my ESXi Server, i have the message : "Unable to Connect NFS Server"
From my ESXi Server i connect with SSH and i can mount my datastore.
When i run "esxcfg-nas-l" i can see that my datastore is mounted and available. Then if i look at the vCenter, my new datastore doesn't appear... So in can't manage it.
From the Windows 2008 R2 which run the vSphere vCenter, i can mount the datastore...
I can't explain why from the vCenter i can't add my datastore.... any idea ?
Thanks dor your helps huys, and sorry for my english
Kind regards.