I have the following infrastructure:
4 physical machines and 5 virtual machines. All 5 virtual machines are running on two physical servers. In case of fail one or both servers, the virtual machines are moved to server from second couple of physical servers.
There are licences:
VMWare vSphere Enterprise Edition
VMWare vSphere vCenter Server Standard Edition
I would need to set when virtual machine nr. 2 is moved and OS is restarted, that servers nr.3 and nr. 4 will restarted also and in addition in right sequence. There are running some application which must be restarted in right sequence. I heard that VMware Orchestrator can manage this requirement.
Can you confirm me that it's true and advise how set if server nr.2 is restarted (moved) that after nr. 3 will restarted and after nr. 4 ?
It doesn't matter on which physical server they will running.
Thank you in advance
Georg W.