I am planning a migration away from the Nexus 1k and am trying to do this with zero downtime. I found a blog post that discussed switch migration and built a project plan around this, but wanted to see if what I was planning seemed workable. Anyone have any thoughts on the following plan?
- Build new VMware Distributed Virtual Switch with all required VM networks
- Go into each host and build a local switch with all required VM networks with network names appended with “_local”
- On first selected host Detach one of the 10G nics from the 1K and attach to new local switch(expected ping loss is 1 or 0 pings)
- Go into each VM on selected host and change VM portgroup to corresponding “_local” portgroup(expected ping loss is 1 or 0 pings)
- Detach remaining 10G nic on 1K and attach to local switch
- Remove selected host from 1k
- Add one 10G nic on selected host to DvS created in step 1(expected ping loss is 1 or 0 pings)
- Go into each VM on selected host and change VM “_local” portgroup to corresponding portgroup on DvS(expected ping loss is 1 or 0 pings)
- Detach remaining 10G nic on Local switch and attach to DvS
- Remove Local Switch
- Repeat steps 3-10 for all remaining hosts