I am trying to set up Permissions on a collections of VMs inside a Folder inside a Datacenter using vSphere Client. I have an Active Directory, so I added a user with VM power user role from the Permissions tab of the Folder. When Domain\user01, the domain user, try to access the VMs inside the Folder using VMware Workstation 10 I get "Could not open virtual machine: vm242. Permission to perform this operation was denied". When I check the Permissions of the Folder from WMware Workstation I can verify that Domain\user01 has a VM power user role and Propagate to children is selected. The question is how I can set the permissons on this Folder so Domain\user01 can access it without seeing any other VMs using Workstation 10. I appreciate any help on the issue. Thank you.
Update: Tested VMware Web Client with my new domain and it works with no major issues - except for the annoying bug "Unable to connect to the MKS". So the issue is now limited to WMware Workstation 10. I can open the console for all of my VMs with Web Client. Any VMware pros here with Workstation experience who dealt with a similar issue?. I am going crazy here.