I am building vCenter server 5.5.0U1C with two server model where one host DB instance and other host rest of the vCenter Binaries.Below is the error i got while running vCenter install
I ran Query
I got return as "NOT CASE SENSITIVE"
But if i understand correct from error it specifically tells about cause of failure as "The Database is installed in Case Insensitive Mode" which this query proves.
I chanced the Mode from Case Insensitive Mode to Case Sensitive Mode by changing collation to "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS"
I this time got error
I have no clue now what has gone wrong making installation failure.
BTW, Client version on Remote DB server and App server are same and i am using MS SQL 2012 SP1 with windows 2008 R2 SP1 as windows OS both side.
Please help me find the solution, i really now clueless with the cause of it.
Thanks in advance