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vCheck reporting script not working


Hi all,

I am trying to setup an automated script to send me an email of my vSphere environment.

I found Alan's script but I couldn't make it work. It doesn't open up in the web browser. I tried to configure it to send me an email but no joy.




I am following the below article but no luck so far. Please can you help!

Cosonok's IT Blog: Setting Up a Monitoring System to Run vCheck 6.15 for Scheduled Monitoring of Multiple vCenter Server…


Please see the results:


Begin Plugin Processing

16:54:15 ..start calculating Connection settings for vCenter by Alan Renouf v1.4

[1 of 17]

16:54:15 Re-using connection to VI Server

16:54:15 Adding Custom properties

16:54:15 Collecting VM Objects

16:54:15 Collecting VM Host Objects

16:54:15 Collecting Cluster Objects

16:54:15 Collecting Datastore Objects

16:54:15 Collecting Detailed VM Objects

16:54:16 Collecting Template Objects

16:54:16 Collecting Detailed VI Objects

16:54:16 Collecting Detailed Alarm Objects

16:54:16 Collecting Detailed VMHost Objects

16:54:17 Collecting Detailed Cluster Objects

16:54:17 Collecting Detailed Datastore Objects

16:54:17 Collecting Detailed Datastore Cluster Objects

16:54:17 ..finished calculating Connection settings for vCenter by Alan Renouf v

1.4 [1 of 17]

16:54:17 ..start calculating General Information by Alan Renouf, Frederic Martin

v1.2 [2 of 17]

16:54:17 ..finished calculating General Information by Alan Renouf, Frederic Mar

tin v1.2 [2 of 17]

16:54:17 ..start calculating Snapshot Information by Alan Renouf, Raphael Schitz

v1.3 [3 of 17]

16:54:18 ..finished calculating Snapshot Information by Alan Renouf, Raphael Sch

itz v1.3 [3 of 17]

16:54:18 ..start calculating Datastore Information by Alan Renouf, Jonathan Medd

v1.3 [4 of 17]

16:54:18 ..finished calculating Datastore Information by Alan Renouf, Jonathan M

edd v1.3 [4 of 17]

16:54:18 ..start calculating Hosts Not responding or Disconnected by Alan Renouf

v1.1 [5 of 17]

16:54:18 ..finished calculating Hosts Not responding or Disconnected by Alan Ren

ouf v1.1 [5 of 17]

16:54:18 ..start calculating Hosts Overcommit state by Alan Renouf v1.3 [6 of 17


16:54:19 ..finished calculating Hosts Overcommit state by Alan Renouf v1.3 [6 of


16:54:19 ..start calculating Hosts Dead LUN Path by Alan Renouf, Frederic Martin

v1.1 [7 of 17]

16:54:19 ..finished calculating Hosts Dead LUN Path by Alan Renouf, Frederic Mar

tin v1.1 [7 of 17]

16:54:19 ..start calculating VMs Ballooning or Swapping by Alan Renouf, Frederic

Martin v1.1 [8 of 17]

16:54:19 ..finished calculating VMs Ballooning or Swapping by Alan Renouf, Frede

ric Martin v1.1 [8 of 17]

16:54:19 ..start calculating Invalid or inaccessible VM by Alan Renouf v1.1 [9 o

f 17]

16:54:19 ..finished calculating Invalid or inaccessible VM by Alan Renouf v1.1 [

9 of 17]

16:54:19 ..start calculating Guests with less than $MBFree MB by Alan Renouf v1.

1 [10 of 17]

16:54:19 ..finished calculating Guests with less than $MBFree MB by Alan Renouf

v1.1 [10 of 17]

16:54:19 ..start calculating Checking VI Events by Alan Renouf v1.1 [11 of 17]

16:54:19 ..finished calculating Checking VI Events by Alan Renouf v1.1 [11 of 17


16:54:19 ..start calculating Host Configuration Issues by Alan Renouf v1.1 [12 o

f 17]

16:54:19 ..finished calculating Host Configuration Issues by Alan Renouf v1.1 [1

2 of 17]

16:54:19 ..start calculating Host Alarms by Alan Renouf, John Sneddon v1.2 [13 o

f 17]

16:54:20 ..finished calculating Host Alarms by Alan Renouf, John Sneddon v1.2 [1

3 of 17]

16:54:20 ..start calculating VM Alarms by Alan Renouf v1.1 [14 of 17]

16:54:20 ..finished calculating VM Alarms by Alan Renouf v1.1 [14 of 17]

16:54:20 ..start calculating VMKernel Warnings by Alan Renouf, Frederic Martin v

1.3 [15 of 17]

16:54:22 ..finished calculating VMKernel Warnings by Alan Renouf, Frederic Marti

n v1.3 [15 of 17]

16:54:22 ..start calculating Find clusters that have HA host monitoring disabled

by David Chung v1.1 [16 of 17]

16:54:22 ..finished calculating Find clusters that have HA host monitoring disab

led by David Chung v1.1 [16 of 17]

16:54:22 ..start calculating Hardware status warnings/errors by Raphael Schitz v

1.1 [17 of 17]

16:54:22 ..finished calculating Hardware status warnings/errors by Raphael Schit

z v1.1 [17 of 17]

PowerCLI C:\Scripts\vCheck>

PowerCLI C:\Scripts\vCheck>




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