I'm a little confused about changing the vCenter certificates. One customer of mine has bought to a CA a SSL certificate for his domain. The sent him a .cer file. The certificate says that was issued by this CA (trustwave), for my customer, etc.
The question is: May I use this certificate in order to replace the default certificate that vCenter uses for SSL communications between vSphere Client and itself? I have read a lot of KBs that talk about using the SSL Automation Tool and OpenSSL to generate new certificates, including a very good site (vSphere 5 Certificates: 1 - Installing a Root Certificate Authority » WoodITWork.com) that explains step-by-step the procedure to create your own CA inside your company, but non of them talk about how to use a certificate that you buy.
So, the big question here is, how do I have to use that .cer certificate my customer bought to Trustwave in order to make the SSL connections to vCenter secure? Do I need anything else from Trustwave besides the SSL .cer certificate?