I used the "vmrc-embed-example.html" to test connecting usb in the local machine.Then,one error come out: "A connection error orrurred".
First,I srartup VMRC by selecting the mode "MKS" and "DEVICES".
Second, connect one vm by Using "Hostname","Host SSL Thumbprint","UserName", "Password" and "VmId" successfully.
Then, I plug in one usb in my local machine. choose the "getPhysicalClientDevices" after Selecting the Device types "DEVICE_USB" to get the physical key of the usb.the physical key is "path:1/0/0/1 version:2".fill it to the textfield of the Physical Key Using the method "getPhysicalClientDeviceDetails" to get the information of usb.In the information ConnectedByMe is 'false'.
last,select the "connectDevice" method .Though occured the reminder "connectDevice succeeded", then erorr occured :Cannot connect the device "DT 101 G2": a connection error occurred.
so ,what's the problem?