I am trying to learn more about vsphere 5.5 and have installed a lab at home. Created a DC and 3 VMs. I also have 2 Hosts to test DRS, HA, Clustering , etc
VM#1 - Domain Controller
VM#2 - LAB-VC (VM-Server2008R2 which I have vCenter Installed)
VM#3 - LAB-SQL (VM-Server2008R2/SQL2008R2 and vCenter SQL DB instance)
I installed vCenter and it seemed to have installed corrected.
Created a VCAdmin account in A/D and added the account locally to the LAB-VC administrator account as well as giving it DBO to the vCenter instance on LAB-SQL
Set up a system odbc from LAB-VC and it connect successfully on vCenter on LAB-SQL
I opened the vSphere Client to begin configuration of vCenter but I can't connect. I am trying to connect to LAB-VC and using the VCAdmin account and password but nothing. I tried a few others accounts but at this point I am a bit confused. Any troubleshooting suggestions as I don't know really where to go from here. And any suggestions in general would be much appreciated. I put in two days getting this lab up and running and now no progress.
Other things I reviewed was services on LAB-VC and see VMWare VirtualCenter Server Properties is stopped but it is Automatic Startup. I don't know if it would start if I successfully connect to vSphere
I am guessing my issue is the account which should use the vCenter services?