I'm learning Vmware Vsphere, and now I'm testing its DPM features
I build a lab config using 3 machines : 1 Win2008+VCenter 5.5 server and 2 ESXi 5.5 hosts;all of them has 2 intel e1000 nic,
I tested the WOL function using 3rd party tool(gwakeonlan) and succeed,the host boots OK.
and in vcenter I can see the nic as WOL-enabled; no distributed switch, just standard switch
I put the two hosts in one cluster;set DRS to manual
But the 1st time I tried to put the host to standby mode,I forgot to enable vmotion for the NICs,Of course the put to standby operation is OK ,but following power on operation failed
I find my fault ,enabled vmotion for the NICs,and when I try to put the ESXi hosts to standby mode again,the Vcenter Server refuse to execute the operation and I received this error
vCenter has determined that is cannot resume host HostName from standby; therefore, the enter standby task was stopped. Confirm that IPMI/ILO is correctly configured for host HostName. Or, configure vCenter to use Wake-On-LAN, ensuring that there are at least two or more hosts in the cluster, and try the task again.
just as this KB article described
but when I followed the troubleshooting instructions in the KB article ,and checked the log file
I can't find anything about WOL,just IPMI,seemed VCenter Server doesn't even try to test WOL features of the hosts,just checked I haven't IPMI configured and give out this error
I can only see this
2014-06-25T22:23:44.947+08:00 [04112 info 'commonvpxLro' opID=A7FCC724-00000489-a0] [VpxLRO] -- BEGIN task-791 -- host-241 -- vim.HostSystem.enterStandbyMode -- 1205d2f5-09d2-a14f-65cf-648ee8bafab6(5240a127-e2c1-1f2d-f078-2b8f19325360)
2014-06-25T22:23:44.947+08:00 [04628 info 'commonvpxLro' opID=A7FCC724-0000048A-40] [VpxLRO] -- BEGIN task-internal-1693 -- -- vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.createFilter -- 1205d2f5-09d2-a14f-65cf-648ee8bafab6(5240a127-e2c1-1f2d-f078-2b8f19325360)
2014-06-25T22:23:44.948+08:00 [04628 info 'commonvpxLro' opID=A7FCC724-0000048A-40] [VpxLRO] -- FINISH task-internal-1693 -- -- vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.createFilter --
2014-06-25T22:23:44.954+08:00 [04112 info 'vpxdvpxdMoHost' opID=A7FCC724-00000489-a0] [IsIpmiInfoValidInt] Host a field is null, empty or over-sized.
2014-06-25T22:23:44.956+08:00 [04112 info 'commonvpxLro' opID=A7FCC724-00000489-a0] [VpxLRO] -- FINISH task-791 -- host-241 -- vim.HostSystem.enterStandbyMode --
2014-06-25T22:23:44.956+08:00 [04112 info 'Default' opID=A7FCC724-00000489-a0] [VpxLRO] -- ERROR task-791 -- host-241 -- vim.HostSystem.enterStandbyMode: vmodl.fault.NotSupported:
--> Result:
--> (vmodl.fault.NotSupported) {
--> dynamicType = <unset>,
--> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
--> msg = "",
--> }
--> Args:
Is there any option to fix this?or just reset the host state to original,and can be put to standby mode?