we have 3 esxi 4.1 servers running and managed by vCenter. Server1, Server2, Server3; Server3 is having Hardware issues and is about to be replaced with new server.
Each server has own hdd storage and is also using an extra datastore which is located on our NAS. (NFS based store
Vmwares stored on Server3 and using Datastore from NAS can't be migrated (only Host Migration as Datastore used is already NAS) because of this error message:
"Unable to access the virtual machine configuration: Unable to access file [VMWARE (1)] machine001/machine001.vmx"
"Virtual disk 'Hard disk 1' is not accessible on the host: Unable to access file [VMWARE (1)] machine001/machine001.vmdk"
On server1 and server2 this NAS datastore is recognized and named as VMWARE Locally on server3 this datastore is also called VMWARE but in when inspecting server3 using vCenter the Datastore is shown as VMWARE (1) and also can't be renamed to VMWARE.
I assume that for some reason the VMWARE datastore for Server1 and server2 are recognized as being the same physical Datastore and for server3 vCenter thinks the NAS datastore is a different one (allthough it's mapped to exact same NFS location)
I checked Configiration of datastores and see one difference:
Server Identification Device
server1 vmware
server2 vmware
server3 vmware
seems a small difference, but how to fix this?
EDIT managed to a datastore to Server3, but how can i easily move all vmware without is going to make copies of all files? I just would like to edit the Server3 entries of vmwares and adjust the datastore...
EDIT2 there is no central database (file) on the esxi host that can be edited and i can change the used datastore from VMWARe (1) to VMWARE? That is all what needs to be done, as the physical location is the same of the both Datastores..
EDIT3 found a more easy solution: added an extra datastore to server1 pointing to and migration can be done...