I am studing how vCenter allocates CPU resource when host is in overcommit state. I have already read some VMWare documents and discussions, but I have not found an answer for my question.
I need a very simple example to explain my doubt.
So supposing to have:
- Host with 1 pCPU of 3.0 GHz
- VM1: 1vCPU, 1000 shares
- VM2: 1vCPU, 2000 shares
When VM1 requests 1 GHz and VM2 2,5GHz, what happens? How cpu resource is allocated to VM1? And to VM2?
If I have understooden correctly the algorithm for:
- VM1 is allocated 1GHz * 1000/(2,5GHz*2000 + 1GHz*1000) * 3 GHz = 0,5 GHz
- VM2 is allocated 2,5GHz * 2000/(2,5GHz*2000 + 1GHz*1000) * 3 GHz = 2,5 GHz
It is correct?
Thanks for your responses and I am sorry for my english XD !