Good Day!
I was clearing out “test” data from a datastore when I got a locked file warning. After some digging I found that one of the “test” servers in the datastore was renamed in vSphere and was a production server that was running. I shutdown this VM and now I am not able to boot it up again.
The Storage Views tab >> Show all Virtual Machine Files lists this:
vmware-1.log @ 172.75 KB
vmware-2.log @ 48.49 KB
vmware.log @ 48.32 KB
testrlp03test.nvram @ 8.48 KB
testrlp03test.vmx @ 3.29 KB
testrlp03test.vmxf @ 268.00 B
testrlp03test.vmsd @ 0.00 B <---- Note this is zero bytes
Now when I browse the datastore everything is the same but I have two additional files:
testrlp03test-flat.vmdk @ 41,943,040.00 KB <---- Note this is 41 GB
testrlp03test-ctk.vmdk @ 2,560.50
So now my question is, Since it looks like the main data is still in testrlp03test-flat.vmdk @ 41,943,040.00 KB, is there a way I can restore this servers functionality? Also are there other files missing that would prevent this VM from functioning? Because this was listed as TEST, I do not know if it made it to our backup software.