Hi everyone,
Hopefully someone can point me to the right direction here.
I've recently had to replace 2 physical switches at a site for power failures, and slow defect.
Once I replaced the switch the Guest would communication fine on common ports like 80 and 443. However, anything special would be locked down.
For example.
When I try to telnet like this on the guest
telnet: localhost 13531 - connection
telnet: 172.x.x.x 13531 - can't find port
telnet: nameserver 13531 - can't find port
Same things goes if I try from another client's machine too.
If I add a new NIC to the guest, everything works fine, I can telnet to the GUEST no issues. This is all built on a VDS, so I'm wondering what is causing the routing issue? Esepcially when the normal ports work fine.