Hi All,
I'm having a slight problem in that I'm trying to lock down my Virtual environment but my developers still have full rights to everything.
So far I've created a test user in AD and a Dev Admin group. I've assigned the test user to the group.
I created a Custom role and gave it access to the DEV Resource Pool. I then assigned this role to my Dev Admin group.
If I log into the vSphere client as my test user all loks as it shout. i.e I only see the Dev Resource Pool and none of the production environment.
If I get my Developers to login they still see the entire VM environment. I've checked all roles and groups assigned to those roles, what am I missing where else should I be looking?
As an aside for some reason the developers are all Domain Admins. I can't see any roles that have been assigned to the Domain Admins group?
vSphere 5.1; vCenter 5.1 Windows server.