I want to reclaim lost space from a thin provitioned disk of one of my vms. First I coppied 30 gb of data to my 100 gb thin provisioned disk and deleted it again. After that the 30 gb are still occupied/provisioned. So far so good. Then I installed sdelete and wrote zeroes to all of the blocsk of this disk (100gb).
Am I right that at this point it's not possible just to use the umap-vaai feature "vmkfstools -y xy" (were xy is the % of reclaimable space)?
So what I'm suppose to do is to perform a storage vMotion, right? So I did a svmotion to my 2nd iscsi-lun und the result is now a 100gb provisioned disk.
Where am I wrong and when do you guys use the umap-primitives?