Hi folks
Facing the following issue :
vCenter heartbeat 6.6 install on vSphere vCenter 5.1 U1c
vCenter web client shows the VCHB plug in, and switchover can be managed with no problem
VCHB Client tools installed on a desktop, and switchover can be managed with no problem
in the vCenter plugin manager, VCHB plugin is present
in http;//localhost/mob, VCHB plugin is present
BUT it is not showing as an icon nor a tab in the vSphere client
We tried to uninstall/reinstall the pluging through the VCHB Client tools,
tried also to manually re-register the plugin using procedure in KB 2034869, but no luck.
plugin icon and tab still not showing.
note : it's a physical / physical configuration on Windows server 2008 R2 (Latest MSFT Patches)
Latest vCenter version / Latest VCHB version
any additional advices ?