I'm fairly new to VMware and just completed an install/configure class. However, I took the class before my employer gave me my first assignment, so I wasn't able to ask any work related questions. My assignment is to build 48 ESXi (5.1) hosts and a new vCenter (5.5). I've built the vCenter using VCSA and two hosts. One of the hosts I used as a reference host for the Host Profile.
So far my plan is to:
1. Build each host via DCUI
2. Add to vCenter
3. Add host to vDS
4. Apply Host Profile
5. Add to Cluster
While it looks like 5 major steps, there's really several sub-steps in each major step. For example, the DCUI and the vDS process is very specific per host as I have to enter IP information. I've read through my training manual, but only found Host Profiles as an efficient way to deploying hosts. I also read about Auto Deploy, but management does not want to use Auto Deploy yet. Did I totally miss something in my training or is there a more efficient way of deploying several hosts without Auto Deploy? I feel like I'm not doing this efficiently and would like to get the community's input.
Thanks in advance,